You're freezing.It's another of Coerthas's many frigid nights. You've been trudging through the snow for hours, burrowing further and further into the deep hood of your cloak for shelter from the biting wind. It's the sight of Ishgard, towering up before you to scrape the cloudy sky with her spires, that drives you onward. Despite the frosty reputation of her citizens, you're certain that one of the dozens of lights twinkling within her walls must promise rest at the end of your journey.Crammed amongst taller buildings near the outer edge of the city is the answer to your hopes. There, you find a unassuming wooden door lit by a brightly burning torch and adorned with a small, hand-painted sign. Outside stands a planter of assorted flowers, all in brilliant bloom despite the Coerthan cold. From within drifts the smell of freshly-baked bread, a warm drink, and a hot meal, and the sounds of soft voices and quiet music.Just before you enter, you glance up. The moon, radiant and full, peers at you from between the clouds on high.

Welcome to the Traveler's Respite


Mateus, Crystal: Empyreum, W22 Main Div, Ingleside R76

Staffed only by its proprietor and his soft-spoken assistant, the Traveler's Respite (Mateus, Empyreum W22, Ingleside R76) is a small, hole-in-the-wall tavern that welcomes any and all visitors at all hours of the day. It is rarely formally open, but the door is always unlocked.Please feel free to let yourself in. Staff can be contacted using the linkpearl behind the bar for all manner of requests, be it to answer questions, to provide food and drink, or simply to chat. (Feel free to send me a tell if I'm not in the Respite when you arrive!)Tips are accepted but not required. The Respite is a labor of love, opened in honor of a man the proprietor once knew who offered him safe haven, friendship, and support in a time of great turmoil. He hopes that, through the Respite, he can do the same for others who may be in need of a little warmth in a world which is all too often unkind.Thank you for visiting. We hope you enjoy your stay.

Attention: The elevator to the balcony is located to the left of the bar.For your safety, please come to a complete stop before operating the elevator.
The Traveler's Respite is not responsible for guests jettisoned into the void by the elevator.

rules & mechanics

  • Staff can be identified by the distinctive green brooches they wear (LFG status). Patrons are asked to avoid mimicking this symbol.

  • The Respite welcomes those seeking quiet and solitude. Or people-watching! Patrons interested in being approached for RP are asked to turn on their RP status tag. Please be respectful of those who don't want to RP!

  • Respect other patrons. If someone is making you uncomfortable, please notify staff so we can assist in resolving the situation.

  • If the door is unlocked, you are welcome in. Please feel free to use the Respite even when staff is not present. It is kept well-stocked with food, drink, and ingredients, as well as some other common items, like basic first aid supplies. I'd love to hear about it if you RP in the space!

  • If the proprietor is unavailable, his assistant can fulfill most requests. Though he prefers to speak little, Mirche, the Respite's NPC staff, is a polite young man and acquiesces to any reasonable request with a nod and a smile.

  • The proprietor can be contacted by linkpearl if he is not present and you require assistance. /tell is fine, or Discord if I'm offline! I may not always be available, but you're always welcome to reach out.

  • Please be aware only menu items will include an actual item trade! If ordering a menu item and you do not want to be sent a trade for it, please let me know.

  • The elevator is finicky. For best results, come to a complete stop facing the wall directly below the mark, then jump. If you're pushed into the void, move around a little and you should fall back into the proper space.

let expanse contract, eon become instant
champions from beyond the rift, heed my call!
This page is currently WIP; please come back later!

  • Farmer's Breakfast - Eggs your way, pan-fried popotoes, and your choice of bacon, sausage, or ham. Sure to fill you up and keep you warm for the cold Coerthan mornings.

  • Chicken Fettuccine - Housemade pasta smothered in a rich cream sauce, served with tender roast chicken and seasonal vegetables.